"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin

"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

From M.Elaine
Did you know on the night of,"Republican
Convention", the purple heat
was on the check
with a bandage over it.
All the republican's were making fun of, John
Kerry, because he serve
in, Vietnam War, and
came back home to stop the war so more men
would not be killed.
Tony Frank's, said"That it's so easy to get a
purple heart.
Not only was, John Kerry, made fun of but all
the Vet's who served their country in War.
Did you ever see the movie,"Going Up The River The
Long War..
It was blacked out only one place showed it.
No one heard of it.
It show John Kerry, with his swift boat crew.
He saved one man who fall in the water with
bullet's coming at the.
Plus he saved his whole swift boat crew.
He came back to speak up against the war.
Vietnam War V et's, pick him to talk because
he was clean and a soft talking voice.
It was the Vietnam War Vet's take talk to the news.
Vietnam War Vet's, ask John Kerry, please
tell the congressmen, what happen in Vietnam
War, and so he did.
The W.BUSH, told the people he was a bad
person because he dare talk against the Vietnam
But here we had a man that could of stay away
from war but instead he went.
Would you believe they would cut down a War
Hero and make fun of his purple heart.
Find the movie,"Going Up The River The Long War.
W.BUSH, didn't show up at, "National Guard",
when he was to turn up.
He never went to War.
But they play him up as a hero.
Michael Moore and Going up The River The Long War,
was blackout.
Michael Moore, did get some movie companies
to show it.
I am sad because all our troop's who died, limb's
blown off etc.
I know men from, Gulf War plus Wars, in between
wars that people don't
know of.
I know a man who was a Lt`, Col. Of Air Force.
What he did was top secret for 15 years.
What he had to do does give him alot of flash
He call himself damage goods.
These are our Vet's who need us more than ever.
When I hear college kids talk about supporting
our troops I ask them to sign up so are men can
come home because they need to come home and rest
and get all the help.
I was shocked that, W.BUSH, is cutting the Vet's
Follow your bliss!
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