Saturday, July 24, 2004

The Kerry Kit

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Many of us have learned about John Kerry's positions and his life story in sound bites, often warped and distorted by a viciously effective Republican attack machine. But we've looked extensively at John Kerry's record, and talked to people who've worked with him, and we've come away convinced that John Kerry is a strong, courageous and progressive leader -- someone we can be proud of as the nominee for President.

And that's why there's something we want you to see.

This fall, award-winning filmmaker George Butler will release Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry, a biographical film featuring never-before-seen footage of John Kerry as a young man. For us, watching this footage transformed our understanding of who John Kerry is and what he's about. You will never forget Kerry's riveting and inspiring testimony to the Senate as the 27-year-old leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War, or his crewmates' descriptions of his selfless acts under fire.

We've put together a "Kerry Kit," with a DVD featuring a 15-minute pre-release excerpt of this film, as well as Kerry's recent speech to Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition, all the MoveOn PAC ads, and lots of other materials. And to get it out there, we're giving away the first 100,000 Kerry Kits totally free - one per member.

They're going to go fast. You can check out a video clip of the film and then order yours now for free at:

If you're sure that Bush needs to go, but still have questions about John Kerry, we invite you to check this out and make up your own mind. And if you believe John Kerry is the right man for the job, but are looking for tools to convince others, this kit will be invaluable.

You can send a Kerry Kit to your friends and family at cost - we want to make sure as many people as possible get the real skinny on John Kerry's record of leadership.

In a recent speech, John Edwards said:

"If you have any question about what John Kerry's made of, about his leadership ability, about his strength and his courage, just spend three minutes, three minutes with the men who served with him 30 years ago who still stand by his side. They saw up close when their lives were at risk that this man is a leader, that he has courage, determination, and he would never leave any American behind."

The film's footage offers these three minutes and then some. Kerry crewmates Del Sandusky and James Rassman vividly describe Kerry's courage under fire in Vietnam. Later, we see Kerry's extraordinary and powerful Senate testimony as the 27-year-old leader of Vietnam Veterans Against the War. And the materials that come along with the kit demonstrate that these same qualities, commitment and determination to speak truth to power have characterized John Kerry's actions throughout his long career of public service.

The Kerry Kit also features:

Jesse Jackson's rousing introduction of Kerry, and Kerry's strong speech to the Rainbow Coalition earlier this year.
Fact sheets that contrast Kerry's record with President Bush's, and show how he's been rated by progressive groups.
Articles that go into more depth on Kerry's record, including his leadership exposing the Iran-Contra scandal and his extraordinary record of environmental protection.
Kerry-Edwards stickers.
And, as a special bonus, all of MoveOn PAC's TV advertisements to date.
Since the kits cost a fair amount to produce, we're only able to offer the first 100,000 for free. You can get yours now at:


--Eli Pariser
MoveOn PAC
July 28th, 2004

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Friday, July 23, 2004

The 911 report is now online, thanks to the NYTimes

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

The report, a Adobe download

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

During his public testimony before the 9/11
commission, Attorney General John Ashcroft attempted to
deflect criticism from his own lackluster
counterterrorism efforts by pinning the blame on a 1995 memo
written by former deputy Attorney General (and
current 9/11 commissioner) Jamie Gorelick. Ashcroft
said, "The 1995 guidelines and the procedures developed
around them imposed draconian barriers, barriers
between the law enforcement and intelligence
communities. The wall effectively excluded prosecutors from
intelligence investigations. The wall left
intelligence agents afraid to talk with criminal
prosecutors or agents."[1] Ashcroft called the memo "the
single greatest structural cause for the September 11
problem." In their final report released yesterday,
the bi-partisan 9/11 commission concluded that
Ashcroft's public testimony was false and misleading.

The commission bluntly stated that Ashcroft's
public testimony did not "fairly or accurately reflect
the significance of the 1995 documents and their
relevance to the 2001 discussions."[2] Specifically,
"The Gorelick memorandum applied to two particular
criminal cases, neither of which was involved in the
summer 2001 information-sharing discussions." Any
barriers between the law enforcement and
intelligence communities were not created from written
guidelines by internal Justice Department conflicts which
"neither Attorney General [Ashcroft or Reno] acted
to resolve" prior to 9/11.

Even Ashcroft himself has recently backed away from
his April testimony before the commission. In a
recent document released by the Justice Department,
Ashcroft conceded that Gorelick's memo permitted
"interaction and information sharing between
prosecutors and intelligence officers" and allowed the FBI to
use the fruits of an intelligence investigation "in
a criminal prosecution."[3] Ashcroft failed to
mention that guidelines issued by his own deputy
Attorney General, Larry Thompson, were more restrictive
because they affirmed the Gorelick memo and added
additional requirements.[4]


1. "Transcript: 9/11 Commission Hearing," The
Washington Post, 04/13/04,
2. 9/11 Commission Final Report, p. 539,
3. Report from the Field: The USA PATRIOT Act at
Work, U.S. Department of Justice, July 2004,
4. "Thompson Memo," U.S. Department of Justice,

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Cost of the counter; counting away

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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The cost of the war in Iraq goes up $2,000.00 a second

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

$124,041,???,??? as of 7-23 @ 9:50. Or go to

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Thursday, July 22, 2004

Bush Ad Faults Kerry's "Family Priorities" per ""

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

<--- The website is listed to the left. <---


A television ad released July 16 by the Bush campaign attacks John Kerry’s priorities on “issues that affect our families.” The ad correctly cites two Kerry votes, on parental notification of teen-age abortions and emergency "morning-after" contraception.

This ad oversimplifies two fairly complicated matters, a common failing of 30-second TV spots. Overall, it accurately highlights for voters a deeply divisive issue on which the two candidates disagree fundamentally: John Kerry is a steadfast supporter of abortion rights -- even for teeneagers -- and the President is a strong abortion foe.

The announcer asks “Are these priorities yours?” It’s a fair question. But to answer it voters may wish to have more information than this ad provides. Our analysis offers some further background.


The Bush ad is called “Family Priorities.” The overall message accurately reflects that Kerry is a consistent supporter of abortion rights, even in the case of teenagers. It’s a stark point of disagreement between the two candidates. For each of the past 20 years Kerry has received a perfect scorecard from the National Abortion Rights Action League with a rating of “100 percent.” For the past several years he's also gotten a “0 percent” rating from the National Right to Life Committee whose political action committee endorsed President Bush for re-election.

Right to Know

The ad says “Kerry voted against parental notification for teenage abortions.” Kerry did vote against a “parental notification” amendment in 1991 offered by Republican Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana. That measure would have required that parents or guardians be notified 48 hours in advance of any abortion on a pregnant daughter under age 18 performed by any organization receiving federal family-planning funds. The measure passed the Senate 52-47, mostly along party lines. Kerry was one of 42 Democrats who opposed it.

The Coats amendment had narrow exceptions, requiring that parents be notified unless the pregnancy “resulted from incest with a parent or guardian,” or if a physician determined that an emergency abortion was necessary to save the life of the mother.

Kerry voted for an alternative measure that would have allowed for much broader exceptions. The measure Kerry supported would have allowed a physician to perform an abortion on a teenager without notifying the parents if the doctor determined that she “is mature enough and competent to provide consent” herself, or if the doctor determined that notifying the parent or guardian would lead to abuse or “is not in the best interest of the minor.” The Kerry-supported measure also would have allowed the abortion to proceed without notification to parents if an “adult family member” gave consent. That family member could be an aunt or grandparent -- or even a older brother or sister over age 18.

Neither the Coats amendment nor the Kerry-backed measure ever became law: both later were dropped in conference with the House.

Permit schools to hand out the morning-after pill?

The ad shows a girl, apparently of middle-school age, boarding a yellow school bus as the announcer says, “Kerry even voted to allow schools to hand out the morning-after pill without parents’ knowledge.”

Actually, this vote had little to do with "parents' knowledge," but Kerry did vote in favor of allowing schools to offer emergency contraception to teenagers, something done in relatively few places. Experts say that such pills can, in some cases, be given to students without knowledge of parents, though the legislation in question was silent on that point.

Kerry's vote, in 2000, was to kill an amendment proposed by Republican Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina to bar the use of federal funds “for the distribution or provision of postcoital emergency contraception” to anyone under age 18 in an elementary or secondary school.

The so-called “morning-after pill” can be taken up to 72 hours after sexual intercourse to stop implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. Anti-abortion groups oppose its use. Wendy Wright, spokesperson for the Concerned Women for America, put it this way: “Implantation is simply the process by which new life gets nutrition; so it causes the death of that new life.”

Kerry was among 35 Democrats who voted to kill the Helms amendment, but the motion failed 41-54 and the Helms amendment itself went on to pass the Senate by voice vote. Its actual effect would have been limited: only 180 school-based clinics in the US actually offered emergency contraception to students at the time, according to a Congressional Research Service report quoted by the San Antonio Express News in 2001. In any event, the Helms amendment later died in a House-Senate conference, and never became law.

"Common Sense" Notification?

The Kerry campaign responded to the Bush ad by saying he actually supports "common-sense" parental notification laws. But the Kerry news release made no mention of two key exemptions for which Kerry voted: allowing a 19-year-old sibling to give consent to an abortion in place of a parent, or letting a physician determine that it is not in the "best interest" of a pregnant daughter to inform the parents of the abortion. Whether such broad exemptions constitute "common sense" or not is, of course, a matter of opinion with which abortion foes disagree strongly.

Kerry also defends his vote on the morning-after pill as favoring the right of local governments to decide school policy. His news release said, “John Kerry believes parents have more control over local school districts and voted to protect their ability to spend money as they choose."

Kerry's campaign news release also said the morning-after pill "does not induce an abortion" but merely "prevents a pregnancy before it occurs," another opinion contrary to that of abortion opponents.


NARAL Pro-Choice America, "Congressional Record on Choice," 1982-2004.

National Right to Life Committee, "NRLC Scorecards," 1997-2004.

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 102nd Congress - 1st Session S.Amdt. 756 to S.753 to S.323 Vote #131 16 July 1991.

U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 102nd Congress - 1st Session S.Amdt. 758 to S.323 Vote #130 16 July 1991.

S. Amdt. 3697 to H.R. 4577 Proposed 30 June 2000 Vote #169.

Statement of Wendy Wright, Concerned Women for America in "High noon for the morning-after pill," 20 June 2001.

July Holland, "GOP halts contraception bid," San Antonio Express News 12 October 2001; 19A.

"Bush-Cheney Ad Factcheck 'Family Priorities'" John Kerry For President News Release, 15 July 2004.

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"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

In 2000, President Bush promised that, if elected,
he would work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions
that contribute to global warming.[1] Yet, upon
taking office, he withdrew American support from the
Kyoto Treaty to regulate carbon dioxide,[2] and he
dismissed a report from his own Environmental
Protection Agency pointing out carbon dioxide's critical
role in global warming.[3] Now, with the White House
having done nothing to address the growing problem,
elected attorneys from New York City and eight
states filed a lawsuit this week to force five
utilities to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.[4]

Why has President Bush reversed his position on
carbon dioxide/global warming, and why has he refused
to confront these energy companies himself? Because
they are among the top donors to Republicans and
the Bush-Cheney campaign.

Among the defendants in the case are:

Southern Company, a company that has given almost a
half million dollars to Republicans congressional
candidates[5] since 2000; has given more than $1.1
million in soft money to the Republican Party;[6]
and whose executives[7] and political action
committee[8] have given more than $79,000 directly to the
Bush-Cheney campaign.

American Electric Power Company, a company that has
given more than $550,000 to Republican
congressional candidates[9] since 2000 and whose executives[10]
and political action committee[11] have given
$24,000 to the Bush-Cheney campaign.

Cinergy Corporation, a company that has given
almost $200,000 to Republican congressional
candidates[12] since 2000; has given more than $360,000 in soft
money to the Republican Party;[13] and whose
executives[14] and political action committee[15] have
given more than $27,000 to the Bush-Cheney campaign.


1. "Representative Tom Allen Criticizes Bush Broken
Promise on CO2 Emissions from Power Plants,"
Representative Tom Allen, 03/14/01,
2. "USA withdraws from Kyoto protocol ,"
Directorate of Environmental Affairs, 3/29/01,
3. "Bush Disses Global Warming Report ,", 06/04/02,
4. "Suit targets carbon dioxide emissions by
utilities ,", 07/22/04,
5. "Southern Co 2004 PAC Summary Data,",
6. "Soft money donors found for Southern Co.,",
8. "Southern Co 2004 PAC Summary Data,",
9. "American Electric Power 2004 PAC Summary Data
11. "American Electric Power 2004 PAC Summary
12. "Cinergy Corp 2004 PAC Summary Data,",
13. "Soft money donors found for Cinergy,",
15. "Cinergy Corp 2004 PAC Summary Data,",

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Kerry will give the climactic speech at

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

A week from today, John Kerry will give the climactic speech at the Democratic National Convention, and the race to win the general election will be officially on. The speech will be one of the biggest political moments we'll have between now and the election, and it'll offer Kerry an opportunity to lay out his vision for the future of our country.

The Kerry-Edwards campaign wants to kick off this final phase of the campaign with a burst of grassroots energy, so all over the country folks are holding house parties to watch the speech. The parties will be linked together by a nation-wide conference call with John Edwards.

Hosting or attending a Kerry-Edwards house party is a great way to celebrate this fun and important event. To attend a party, just go to:

To host a party of your own, go to:

Hosting is easy – all you need to do is sign up on the Kerry website and offer people a place to watch. We've copied an email from Mary Beth Cahill, Kerry's Campaign Manager, with more information about the parties.

We'll be headed to house parties on Thursday night, and we hope you can make it too.

--Eli Pariser and the MoveOn PAC Team
July 22nd, 2004

P.S. Here's the Kerry campaign's email:

From: Mary Beth Cahill, Kerry-Edwards 2004
Subject: A TV, some friends, and your next president
Dear friend,

Next Thursday night, July 29, while John Kerry accepts the Democratic nomination, our supporters everywhere will be gathering to watch at convention parties in thousands of homes, restaurants, and public meeting halls across the country. This is the first time a presidential campaign has ever kicked off the general election with so much energy and grassroots support.

You can set up your own convention party in just minutes here:

Or find one to attend in your town here:

For millions of Americans, next Thursday night is the beginning of the presidential election. It's an opportunity to bring hundreds of thousands of new people into our campaign. When John Kerry accepts his party's nomination, it will be a special moment -- his one chance to lay out his vision for the country, uninterrupted, and with the undivided attention of the nation.

At thousands of events in 50 states, Washington, D.C., and four territories, our supporters are going to convert this night into an organizing opportunity. Last week we set a goal to sign up 100,000 new volunteers in one night at our convention parties. Now we're poised to blow past that goal.

Holding a convention party is easy. All you need is a television and a few friends. Sign up as a party host so that we can count your event in our total:


Mary Beth Cahill
Campaign Manager

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Tune into NBC's Today Show with Linda Ronstadt tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. ET

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Linda Ronstadt does it again!
William Timmins' Ugly Scene
Tune into NBC's Today Show with Linda Ronstadt tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. ET

July 19th, 2004 9:05 pm
Open Letter to Bill Timmins, President Aladdin Casino and Hotel

Bill Timmins
Aladdin Casino and Hotel
Las Vegas, NV

July 20, 2004

Dear Mr. Timmins:

I understand from the news reports I've read that, after Linda Ronstadt, one of America's greatest singers, dedicated a song to me from your stage on Saturday night, you instructed your security guards to remove her from the Aladdin, which they did.

What country do you live in? Last time I checked, Las Vegas is still in the United States. And in the United States, we have something called "The First Amendment." This constitutional right gives everyone here the right to say whatever they want to say. All Americans hold this right as sacred. Many of our young people put on a uniform and risk their lives to defend it. My film is all about asking the questions that should have been asked before those brave soldiers were sent into harms way.

For you to throw Linda Ronstadt off the premises because she dared to say a few words in support of me and my film, is simply stupid and Un-American. Frankly, I have never heard of such a thing happening. I read that you wouldn't even let her go back up to her room at your hotel! Are you crazy? For crying out loud, it was a song DEDICATION! To "Desperado!" Every American loves that song! Sure, some people didn't like the dedication, and that's their right. But neither they nor you have the right to remove her from your building when all she did was exercise her AMERICAN right to speak her mind.

Of all the things that go on in Las Vegas, this is what creates the need for serious action? What about the other half of the crowd at the Aladdin who, according to the Las Vegas Sun, cheered her when she made her remarks? Did you throw them out, too?

I think you owe Ms. Ronstadt an apology. And I have an idea how you can make it up to her -- and to the millions of Americans you have offended. Invite her back and I'll join her in singing "America the Beautiful" on your stage. Then I will show "Fahrenheit 9/11" free of charge to all your guests and anyone else in Las Vegas who wants to see it.

Mr. Timmins, as the song "Desperado" says -- "Come to your senses!" How can you refuse this offer? I await your reply.

Michael Moore
Director, "Fahrenheit 9/11"

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Michael Moore official Web site:

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

I'll put it in the list of links on the left as well

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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'Fahrenheit 9/11' Making GOP Nervous, Thank God

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

By MIKE GLOVER, Associated Press Writer

DES MOINES, Iowa - Republicans initially dismissed "Fahrenheit 9/11" as a cinematic screed that would play mostly to inveterate Bush bashers. Four weeks and $94 million later, the film is still pulling in moviegoers at 2,000 theaters around the country, making Republicans nervous as it settles into the American mainstream.

"I'm not sure if it moves voters," GOP consultant Scott Reed said, "but if it moves 3 or 4 percent it's been a success."

Two senior Republicans closely tied to the White House said the movie from director Michael Moore is seen as a political headache because it has reached beyond the Democratic base. Independents and GOP-leaning voters are likely to be found sitting beside those set to revel in its depiction of a clueless president with questionable ties to the oil industry.

"If you are a naive, uncommitted voter and wander into a theater, you aren't going to come away with a good impression of the president," Republican operative Joe Gaylord said. "It's a problem only if a lot of people see it."

The rest of the story

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Despite Warnings of Terrorist Threats, Chemical Security Bill Again Stalled in U.S. House

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

"According to the EPA, there are 823 sites where the death or injury toll from a catastrophic disaster at a chemical plant could reach from 100,000 to more than 1 million people...There are no federal laws that establish minimum security standards at chemical facilities."

So writes Dr. Stephen Flynn, who held major national security positions in the George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations, in a new book released this week.

"After 9/ll," writes Flynn, "Senator John Corzine (D-NJ) drafted legislation that would require chemical companies to identify the vulnerabilities in their operations and prepare security plans to address them...The chemical industry rallied nearly 30 trade oppose these new requirements." The Bush administration later supported weaker legislation backed by the industry.

With the report of the 9/ll Commission due out today, Flynn's book, "America the Vulnerable," is all the more timely, since it coincides with the failure this week of the Bush administration and the U.S. House to enact legislation that would strengthen chemical plant protection against terrorist actions.

Instead the House Select Committee on Homeland Security, chaired by Rep. Chris Cox (R-CA), became bogged down in a jurisdictional dispute that appears to doom passage of a proposed Homeland security bill before Congress adjourns this week. The dispute involved Cox's decision to divide the bill into nine pieces, apparently as a way of rendering non-germane some 70 amendments offered by Democrats seeking to strengthen the bill.

Adding to the impasse is the fact that several GOP chairs of other House committees do not want to yield additional authority to Cox's committee. "When Congress reformed the executive branch, it did not take the next step immediately and reform itself," said Cox last Sunday in a national television interview.

The impasse prompted a coalition of eight national environmental groups and four labor unions--all of whom have been working to strengthen chemical plant security--to send a letter to Cox's committee. Concerned that almost nothing has been done on the issue in the nearly three years since 9/11, the groups pointed out that "The good that we have options better than increasing physical security and hoping terrorists cannot evade fences and guards."

Instead, continued the letter, "Many high-hazard industries have readily available safer alternatives to current chemicals and processes: simple changes could reduce or eliminate the terrorist threat in those communities."

Responding to the chemical industry assertion that it should be allowed to implement its own safety standards, the coalition letter noted that "Allowing facilities to follow their own standards has not been deemed acceptable for airports or nuclear plants, and should not be acceptable for chemical plants."

The coalition urged passage of an amendment by Rep. Edward Markey (D-MA), similar to the Corzine proposal, which would require the use of safer alternatives whenever possible.

The urgency of the chemical safety problem was underlined in the coalition letter's observation that "The Army Surgeon General has ranked the potential for attacks on chemical plants second only to bio-terrorism as the top threat confronting America's homeland security."

The letter added that a RAND Corporation study for the Air Force stated that the risk of toxic warfare "is increased by the wide availabilty of materials throughout the United States, together with the proximity of industrial operations to large urban centers."


MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

In February, President Bush told a national
television audience that he would "absolutely"[1]
authorize the release of all records pertaining to his
military service after questions had arisen about
whether he fulfilled his duty. Days later, the White
House claimed it released everything, with Bush
campaign spokesman Terry Holt telling Fox News the
documents were "black and white proof that the president
served in the National Guard."[2] But, as
Associated Press now reports, the White House has only
released "partial documentation" and has refused to
comply with the news service's Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) request for the rest of the public

As AP notes, "records released so far do not put to
rest questions over whether Bush fulfilled his
National Guard service for a period during the Vietnam
War."[4] Just last week, the Pentagon claimed that
key records still not made public about where Bush
was were "inadvertently destroyed."[5] While the
White House did acknowledge the missing records in
February, AP reports that the President still has not
authorized the release of copies of destroyed
records that are legally required to exist at the Texas
state archives.[6] That is why the news agency has
had to file a FOIA request.

In its legal brief demanding the President release
the documents he promised to release, AP wrote, "A
significant, ongoing controversy exists over the
president's military service during the Vietnam War,
specifically whether he performed his required
service between May and October 1972...The public has
an intense and legitimate interest in knowing the
facts concerning the president's military service.
Reviewing the microfilm copy of the personnel file at
the Texas Records center could well answer the
questions that have been raised." AP said full
disclosure would give the public the whole story and also
answer questions about "allegations that potentially
embarrassing material was removed from Bush's
military file in 1997."[7]


1. "Transcript for Feb. 8th Guest: President George
W. Bush," MSNBC News, 2/13/04,
2. "White House Releases Bush Military Pay Records
," Fox News , 2/10/04,
3. "AP Continues Push for Bush Military Records,"
Editor & Publisher, 7/16/04,
4. Ibid.,
5. "Pentagon Says Bush Records Of Service Were
Destroyed," The New York Times, 7/09/04,
6. "AP Sues for Bush Guard Records," Editor &
Publisher, 6/22/04,
7. "AP Asks Judge to Order Quick Release of Bush
Military Records," First Amendment Center, 6/23/01,

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Fox campaign is becoming a major fight.

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

The attacks are now coming from Fox -- in an attempt to intimidate other media outlets. We need your help. It's time to take this to Congress. On Friday, we'll deliver our Fox petition to members of Congress and we need to have at least 250,000 comments from across the nation. We're pushing members of Congress to make Fox come clean about its rank partisanship. Go to:

At first, Fox's strategy was to ignore our charges. But it didn't work. Outfoxed is now the best-selling DVD on All the major newspapers are asking whether Fox is "fair and balanced." Editorial cartoonists are poking fun at Fox's Republican slant. We've attached links to a few of the best stories and cartoons below.

Last night on Fox News, Bill O'Reilly exploded over all the criticism, declaring war between his network and the New York Times in an attempt to distract from the charges made in the film. This is typical, of course. But no one at Fox has answered any of the charges: Why are there so many Republican commentators and guests compared to Democrats? (The media monitor FAIR reports five to one.) Why does Fox business management dictate how the news is framed in its daily memos? Why would Fox assign a reporter whose wife was out campaigning for Bush at the time to conduct an exclusive interview with him? How can Fox's slogan "Fair and Balanced" be anything other than an attempt to deceive viewers and advertisers?

So instead of responding, Fox is going to try to bully other media outlets into going silent on this story. We've got to fight back. Please join our petition now at:

The timing of this petition is perfect, because Congress is beginning to take up the issue. This afternoon, dozens of members of Congress will be viewing Outfoxed in a special showing. Several members of the House have drafted a letter asking Rupert Murdoch to come before them to discuss how he'll correct the partisan bias at Fox.

After you sign the petition, let friends know about the campaign. People are furious when they see how Fox does business.

If you haven't seen the movie, you can get a copy now by making a contribution of $30 or more to AlterNet at:

As part of this campaign, we've got to support good media, and AlterNet is a great independent outlet. But even more importantly, AlterNet is leading the challenge by other media outlets of Fox's outrageous attempt to hold the trademark "Fair and Balanced." Believe it or not, if Fox succeeds in holding that trademark, it can sue to keep all others from using these words.

Let's keep up the pressure. Thank you for all you do.

--Carrie, Joan, Lee, Marika, Noah, Peter, and Wes
The Team
July 21st, 2004

P.S. After you sign the petition, enjoy these great editorial cartoons about Fox's Republican favor and two articles about this campaign:

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Vital Health, Safety Information Endangered by Transportation Bill Secrecy Provision

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

As the $350 billion transportation bill winds its way through Congress, few seem to have noticed a broadly-worded provision written by the Bush administration that could render secret nearly all information on transportation--even if the public has a right to know under federal or state law. The provision grants new secrecy authority to the Transportation Security Agency (TSA), now part of the Department of Homeland Security.

"The provision expands an authority already given to the Transportation Security Agency... which originally applied mainly to airport security," according to the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ). "It exempts from the Freedom of Information Act any information that TSA considers 'Sensitive Security Information' (SSI)."

This could include a lot of environmental and public health information, from nuclear waste transport routes to toxic spills near shipping facilities.

"The new legislative language would expand TSA's secrecy-stamp authority beyond air safety to include any ‘transportation facilities or infrastructure, or transportation employees,'" notes the SEJ. "If any state FOI [Freedom of Information] laws currently require disclosure of such information, the new federal law would override them."

Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) introduced the Senate version of the transportation bill, including the secrecy provision, on May 15, 2003. Inhofe, chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, introduced the bill "by request," a term indicating that it was drafted by the Bush administration. "No separate hearings were held on the SSI portion of the bill," according to the SEJ. [1]

Carol Andress, an economic specialist with Environmental Defense, tells BushGreenwatch she has learned the secrecy provision is not slated to be discussed in a House-Senate conference, and thus would stay in the bill. The legislation's ultimate wording may be a mystery until it is out of conference.

If signed into law, the new secrecy language could shut out journalists and the public from important environmental information. Possible scenarios include:

The Transportation Security Administration deciding that the conditions of a county's rail infrastructure are "Sensitive Security Information," even if poor track maintenance increases the risk of derailments and hazmat spills.

Restriction of legally required Department of Transportation annual and biennial reports on hazardous materials incidents, presumably because they might reveal security weaknesses.

Restricting the public's right to know about road and rail transportation routes for nuclear waste, because they could be terrorist targets. This would make it difficult for concerned citizens to learn about and oppose routes through heavily populated areas. [2]
Environmental Defense's Andress tells BushGreenwatch that it may be hard to focus attention on the secrecy provision. The transportation bill is already extremely complex, with multi-million dollar highway and mass transit projects on the line.


Tell your Senators and Representatives to protect the public's right to know about transportation hazards through Environmental Defense.


[1] "Senate Highway Bill Gives TSA Broad New Secrecy Powers," SEJ TipSheet, Jun. 16, 2004.
[2] Ibid.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Tuesday, July 20, 2004


"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

On the same day that President Bush announced plans
to investigate Iran for ties to terrorism,[1]
Halliburton acknowledged that "a U.S. grand jury issued
a subpoena to the company seeking information about
its Cayman Islands unit's work in Iran,[2] where it
is illegal for U.S. companies to operate." Earlier
this year, CBS News reported that Vice President
Dick Cheney was CEO of the company "during which time
Halliburton Products and Services set up shop in
Iran."[3] In fact, Cheney was so adamant about doing
business with terrorist nations like Iran, he even
went abroad to publicly attack American foreign
policy after meeting with top officials from a foreign

Despite economic sanctions on Iran because of its
ties to terrorists, Cheney openly bragged about
Halliburton's business dealings there during the 2000
campaign.[4] Cheney argued that it was ethical for
Halliburton to use "independent foreign
subsidiaries" that exist in tax shelter countries like the
Cayman Islands to skirt U.S. law. He also went abroad
to attack American policy: According to the
Malaysian News Agency, Cheney publicly attacked U.S.
sanctions on terrorist countries after a meeting with top
Malaysian government officials in Kuala Lampur.[5]

During the 2000 campaign, Cheney also claimed that,
as Halliburton CEO, "I had a firm policy that we
wouldn't do anything in Iraq,[6] even arrangements
that were supposedly legal." Yet, earlier this year,
The New Yorker reported "during Cheney's tenure[7]
at Halliburton the company did business" in Iraq as
well. The Washington Post reported that despite
strict economic sanctions, Halliburton did up to $73
million in business[8] with Iraq while Cheney was
heading the company.

1. "Bush: U.S. probes possible Iran links to 9/11,", 7/19/04,
2. "Halliburton Subpoenaed Over Unit's Iran Work ,"
Reuters, 7/19/04,
3. "Doing Business With The Enemy," 60 Minutes,
4. "Halliburton Iraq ties more than Cheney said,", 6/25/01,
5. Malaysian News Agency, 4/20/98
6. "Contract Sport,"The New Yorker, 2/16/04,
7. Ibid,
8. "Halliburton's Iraq Deals Greater Than Cheney
Has Said,", 6/23/01,

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Report Reveals Bush Administration Has Blocked Court-Approved Payments to Black Farmers

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Aggressive legal tactics by the Bush administration have deliberately undermined a landmark 1997 civil rights settlement with African-American farmers, turning the claims process into another chapter in a long history of discriminatory treatment by the US Department of Agriculture.

A report released today by Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the National Black Farmers Association (NBFA) finds that almost nine out of 10 black farmers have been denied compensation for discrimination over USDA crop loans, even though U.S. District Court for the District Columbia -- in approving the settlement -- had described compensation payment as "automatic." Instead the USDA, under the leadership of President Bush's Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman, has withheld three-quarters of the $2.3 billion agreed to in the settlement.

"The USDA aggressively fought black farmers," said EWG's Ariane Callendar, a lead author of the report. The investigation found that USDA paid $12 million dollars to US Department of Justice lawyers for 56,000 hours spent contesting the claims of 129 black farmers.

"That means the Department of Justice spent on average 460 hours attacking each farmer," says Callendar. And these figures, she says, represent only a small portion of the time and energy expended to avoid paying the aggrieved farmers. USDA managed to deny payment to 82,000 of the 94,000 African-American farmers who sought restitution.

African-American farmers brought suit against USDA in 1997 in an historic civil rights case known as Pigford V. Glickman (now titled Pigford V. Veneman), claiming that USDA systematically discriminated against African-Americans by denying them crop loans readily made available to comparable white farmers.

The Reagan administration eliminated the USDA's Office of Civil Rights in 1982, leaving African-American farmers no avenue for appealing loan denials they believed to be discriminatory.

In 1996, the Clinton administration re-established USDA's office of Civil Rights, and in 1997 made an admission of discrimination in its own study of USDA operations. Finalized under Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman, the settlement was based on USDA's 1997 civil rights study, coupled with the absence of any recourse for black farmers to discriminatory practices from 1982 to 1996.

Over the past 20 years, the number of farms operated by African-Americans has plummeted from 54,367 in 1982 to 29,090 in 2002 (the suit included 94,000 farmers because many farms have more than one farmer). This dramatic decline, the report concludes, has been due in part to lack of equal access to USDA loans.

The report details "the willful obstruction of justice by USDA" and demands immediate action by Congress. "Only Congress can make whole the 82,000 farmers who were denied restitution arbitrarily, after USDA had agreed, in settling the case, that their discrimination claims were valid." [1]


[1] EWG report, Jul. 20, 2004.

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Monday, July 19, 2004


"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

For the third consecutive year the Bush
administration has decided not to
release $34 million appropriated by Congress to the
United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA). The administration claims
that the funds are being
withheld because "the fund indirectly supports
Chinese government programs
that force women to have abortions."[1] Although
this explanation is popular
with Bush's conservative base, it is wholly
unsupported by the facts.

In 2002, Secretary of State Colin Powell dispatched
a team to China to
investigate whether the UNFPA was assisting the
Chinese government's
coercive practices. The investigators reported that
there was "no evidence
that the UNFPA has knowingly supported or
participated in the management of
a program of coercive abortion or involuntary
sterilization."[2] The
investigative team recommended "that funds
allocated by Congress be released
to UNFPA."[3]

The 2003 State Department Report on Human Rights
Practices found that, in
the 32 Chinese counties where they operated, the
UNFPA "emphasized
education, improved reproductive health services,
and economic development,
and they eliminated the target and quota systems
for limiting births."[4]
The success of the UNFPA's effort prompted 800
other Chinese counties to
remove "the target and quota system and...[attempt]
to replicate the UNFPA
project by emphasizing quality of care and informed
choice of birth control

According to U.N. estimates, the $34 million in
funds being withheld by the
Bush administration this year could have helped
prevent as many as 2 million
unwanted pregnancies, 800,000 abortions, 4,700
maternal deaths and over
77,000 infant and child deaths.[5]


1. "Citing Chinese Abortions, U.S. Refuses to Fund
U.N. Program," Los
Angeles Times, 7/17/04,
2. "US again denies money to population fund,"
Boston Globe, 7/17/04,
3. "UNFPA Regrets U. S. Administration's Decision
Not to Restore Funding,"
UNFPA, 7/16/04,
4. 2003 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices,
State Department,
5. "UNFPA Regrets U. S. Administration's Decision
Not to Restore Funding,"
UNFPA, 7/16/04,

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Taking on Fox , due to it's "fair and balanced" delivery

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Last night, over 25,000 people gathered in living rooms across the nation to see Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism. It was an inspiring turnout. And we saw just how Fox News delivers the Republicans' talking points under the guise of a news broadcast.

Raising the stakes, Common Cause and MoveOn filed a complaint this morning with the Federal Trade Commission challenging Fox News' deceptive advertising slogan "fair and balanced."

We need your help. Sign our Fox petition and join in our complaint to the FTC and Congress at:

We need to add hundreds of thousands of signatures and comments by Wednesday, so that the FTC and Congress know they've got to deal with this issue. The challenges to Fox's partisanship are mounting. Not surprisingly, Fox hasn't offered any real defense. Instead, they have responded by attacking former employees who are speaking out. It's crucial that we demonstrate public support for these courageous journalists and voice our disgust with Fox's deceptive advertising.

And we really need to spread the word about this campaign. On the petition page, there's a really horrifying but funny video clip from the film highlighting Bill O'Reilly's hypocrisy. After signing and giving your comment, you can send the petition and this clip to friends to keep the ball rolling.

Join us in taking on Fox at:

This is just the beginning of our Fox campaign. In this election year, nothing could be more important than demanding fair coverage in the press. We're putting all the media on notice that we will accept no less.

Thanks, as always, for all that you do.

--Carrie, Joan, Lee, Marika, Noah, Peter, and Wes
The Team
July 19th, 2004

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Frist Triggers Senate Battle Today Over Controversial Circuit Court Nominee

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Apparently determined to set off one more high-visibility battle over a controversial judicial nomination, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN), set the stage for a debate today and a floor vote tomorrow on a nominee whose extreme anti-environmental record will be the focus of the debate.

William G. Myers III, formerly a top lobbyist for the beef and mining industries, has been nominated by President Bush for a seat on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Perhaps the nation's most significant appeals court when it comes to environmental precedents, the 9th Circuit covers nine western states which include some 489 million acres of federal public lands.

After serving two years as the solicitor (top lawyer) for President Bush's Interior Department, Myers stepped down amid a departmental investigation of his allegedly giving illegal favors to a politically connected Wyoming rancher. [1]

Myers, who has never participated in a jury trial, nor been a judge at any level, was rated "not qualified" by over one-third of the American Bar Association's standing committee on the federal judiciary. Not one member gave him a "well qualified" rating. [2] Myers is opposed by an unprecedented coalition of some 180 tribal leaders, conservation groups, labor and civil rights organizations. For the first time in its 68-year history, the conservative National Wildlife Federation chose to oppose a president's judicial nominee.

The reasons for such intense opposition are not hard to find. Myers has argued in court that the Clean Water Act and the Endangered Species Act are unconstitutional, and that there is no constitutional basis for the U.S. government to protect wetlands. He has compared management of the public's federal lands to "the tyrannical actions of King George in levying taxes" on the American colonies. [3]

In one of his two formal opinions as solicitor at Interior, Myers argued that the Bureau of Land Management does not have the authority to prevent undue degradation of public lands resulting from mining operations.

Tex Hall, chairman of the National Congress of American Indians, wrote last March in the Billings (Montana) Gazette that Myers "orchestrated a rollback of protections for sacred native sites on public lands, although such places have been central to the free exercise of religion for many American Indians for centuries." [4] This was a case in which Myers interpreted a federal statute to favor the mining industry at the expense of Native Americans, despite specific Congressional language to prevent undue damage to public land.

Newspaper editorials in the western states covered by the Ninth Circuit have been less than enthusiastic. Myers' hometown [Boise] Idaho Statesman said Myers "sounds less like an attorney and more like an apologist for his old friends in the cattle industry." [5]

In an editorial entitled "Unfit to Judge," Tucson's Arizona Daily Star asserted that "Myers' chief qualification for the job rests not in his legal acumen but in the fact that his anti-environmental views match those of the president." The Star went on to describe Myers as "a person who sees no connection between environmental policy and the health of the nation's natural resources." [6]

The San Francisco Chronicle was more blunt: "One of President Bush's worst nominations" with a "long record of ideological extremism" and "open hostility to environmental protection." [7]

When a Myers article warning that "environmentalists...are bent on stopping human activity whenever it may promote health, safety, and welfare" was noted in his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) reminded Myers that "the cases you were discussing" involved logging on national forests, racial discrimination in the siting of waste treatment plants, and protection of irrigation canals from toxic chemicals." [8]

The Idaho Statesman may have caught the spirit of President Bush's choice best when it quoted John Falen, former president of the Nevada Cattlemen's Association: "Bill's our friend," said Falen. "It's been a long time since we had a friend in the solicitor's office." [9]


Ask your Senators to oppose William Myers' lifetime nomination by calling your Senators' offices (Capitol 202/ 224-3121) today. To quickly look up and contact your elected officials, go to and enter your zipcode.


[1] Hartford Advocates, Oct. 16, 2003.
[2] Boston Globe, Mar. 22, 2004.
[3] San Jose Mercury News, Mar. 25, 2004.
[4] Billings Gazette, Mar. 7, 2004.
[5] Idaho Statesman, Nov. 22, 2004.
[6] Arizona Daily Star, Mar. 23, 2004.
[7] San Francisco Chronicle, Mar. 24, 2004.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Idaho Statesman, Nov. 22, 2004.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Sunday, July 18, 2004

Bush Plan Excludes Public From Environmental Review

"He who is willing to give up freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

A new directive proposed by the Bush administration would grant broad environmental exemptions to numerous government agencies under the guise of national security. It would also exclude the American public from decisions that can have long-term health and environmental consequences.

Under directives for carrying out the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), agencies such as the Coast Guard, Border Patrol, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and many others would be given "categorical exemptions" from following federal environmental regulations if they invoke reasons of national security. Such exclusions would enable agencies to conduct activities in secret that could have serious implications for public safety - such as using or storing hazardous chemicals in close proximity to residential areas and schools without letting citizens know about their risk of exposure.

The directive would also allow the degradation of public resources -- such as the building of new roads through national forests for use by the Border Patrol -- with no input from the public whatsoever. While these agencies would still have to conduct environmental reviews before taking action, those reviews would not be subject to public scrutiny or public comment. [1]

"This rule is just one example of how the Bush administration uses 9/11 and the threat of terrorism generally to instill fear and basically prevent the public from learning what it has a right to know," Brian Segee, associate counsel for Defenders of Wildlife, told BushGreenwatch.

"There are legitimate reasons to keep some information secret," he said. "But these should be narrowly defined. Does the fact that Border Patrol is blazing a road through a national forest need to be kept secret? We don't think so."

Segee submitted a nine-page letter to the Department of Homeland Security criticizing the proposed directive on behalf of Defenders of Wildlife, the Ocean Conservancy and the National Audubon Society. The Natural Resources Defense Council also submitted detailed comments, asking that certain exclusions -- such as those related to the disposal of hazardous wastes -- be deleted from the document. [2]

The period for submitting comments to the Department of Homeland Security has been extended until August 16.


Comments may be faxed to 202-772-9749 or sent via email to ADMIN-S&


[1] Department of Homeland Security website.
[2] NRDC letter, Jul. 14, 2004, Defenders of Wildlife letter, Jul. 14, 2004.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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