"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin

"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

This is the only country were going to school is mandatory and learning is optional.
(The above text hear on the TV show “Public Affairs” on C_SAN though out Saturdays)
WHY? Because keeping the schools open takes tax dollars, your government wants us to pay “Tax Dollars” That’s why going to school is mandatory. As the money we send in DOES NOT get to the schools that’s what makes LEARNING optional. Our government knows that anything that you ask your government to do just gave them a way to take more of your money and gave you nothing in return. Because at that point they, your government, know that you’ll feel good that about yourself because you’re sending in the money no matter what happens to it.
P.S. Washington, DC is the only whores house in this country that losses money.
P.S.S And if you didn’t know it War is how Rossevelt got us out of the depression (WWII). We weren’t in a depression when Bush came into office but this war is moving money around from one person to another in this country. And the “Middle Class” well are the lost in this.
P.S.S.S. And on SS, lets just change one thing to get more Money into the sys. Right now no one making over $90,000 has to pay into SS on any of the moneys over the $90,000. Which is one pay check for a lot of people. And this is not anything new, that $90,000 number is decades old. And we know what’s happen to the pay checks of most of us over those years. And if you don’t, people making over $90M have not been hurt and the rest of us have had our pay checks drop.
I change my mind, lets change one more thing, make congress retire under the same system that we have. Social Security. Congress has a much better deal, a much better deal. As deal that they gave themselves. If congress had the same SS we do they’d make it a much clearer system.
I change my mind again, have the federal government pay back to Social Security BACK. The Federal Government has borrowed tons of our money from Social Security and changing Social Security the way Bush wants it done means that Social Security well never have to be paid back.
Signed by me, a victim of democracy
And for me I became a victim of democracy when they shot Kennedy and then again though inflation took 50% of my worth away and make it nessairy for two to work so that we could have the same live we’d had before with just one of us working. And now it takes both for half of what we did have back then.
NOTE: The broadcast replays tonight on C-SPAN at 8 pm but check your listing as it was not said weather or not that was east or west coast time.
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