Saturday, February 26, 2005

School is mandatory ; learning is optional

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

This is the only country were going to school is mandatory and learning is optional.
(The above text hear on the TV show “Public Affairs” on C_SAN though out Saturdays)

WHY? Because keeping the schools open takes tax dollars, your government wants us to pay “Tax Dollars” That’s why going to school is mandatory. As the money we send in DOES NOT get to the schools that’s what makes LEARNING optional. Our government knows that anything that you ask your government to do just gave them a way to take more of your money and gave you nothing in return. Because at that point they, your government, know that you’ll feel good that about yourself because you’re sending in the money no matter what happens to it.

P.S. Washington, DC is the only whores house in this country that losses money.

P.S.S And if you didn’t know it War is how Rossevelt got us out of the depression (WWII). We weren’t in a depression when Bush came into office but this war is moving money around from one person to another in this country. And the “Middle Class” well are the lost in this.

P.S.S.S. And on SS, lets just change one thing to get more Money into the sys. Right now no one making over $90,000 has to pay into SS on any of the moneys over the $90,000. Which is one pay check for a lot of people. And this is not anything new, that $90,000 number is decades old. And we know what’s happen to the pay checks of most of us over those years. And if you don’t, people making over $90M have not been hurt and the rest of us have had our pay checks drop.
I change my mind, lets change one more thing, make congress retire under the same system that we have. Social Security. Congress has a much better deal, a much better deal. As deal that they gave themselves. If congress had the same SS we do they’d make it a much clearer system.
I change my mind again, have the federal government pay back to Social Security BACK. The Federal Government has borrowed tons of our money from Social Security and changing Social Security the way Bush wants it done means that Social Security well never have to be paid back.

Signed by me, a victim of democracy
And for me I became a victim of democracy when they shot Kennedy and then again though inflation took 50% of my worth away and make it nessairy for two to work so that we could have the same live we’d had before with just one of us working. And now it takes both for half of what we did have back then.

NOTE: The broadcast replays tonight on C-SPAN at 8 pm but check your listing as it was not said weather or not that was east or west coast time.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Friday, February 25, 2005

The "Bill of NON-Rights"

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

The Bill Of Rights (As It Ought To Be)

We The People Of The United States

This is probably the best I've seen in a
long, long time. Should be included in the
platforms of both candidates especially
Article XI.!

The following has been attributed to State
Representative Mitchell Kaye from GA.
This guy should run for President one day...

> " We the sensible people of the United States, in
an attempt to help
> everyone get along, restore some semblance of
justice, avoid more
> riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive
behavior, and secure the
> blessings of debt free liberty to ourselves and
our great-great-great-grandchildren, hereby try one
more time to ordain
> and establish some common sense guidelines for
the terminally whiny,
> guilt ridden, delusional, and! other liberal
> We hold these truths to be self evident: that a
whole lot of people
> are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim
they require a Bill of NON-Rights."


> ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new
car, big screen TV, or
> any other form of wealth. More power to you if
you can legally acquire
> them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
> ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be
offended. This
> country is based on freedom, and that mean's
freedom for everyone --
> not just you! You may leave the room, turn the
channel, express a
> different opinion, etc.; but the world is full of
idiots, and probably
> always will be.
> ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free
from harm. If you stick a screwdriver in your eye,
learn to be more careful, do not expect
> the tool manufacturer to make you and all your
relatives independently wealthy.
> ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free
food and housing.
> Americans are the most charitable people to be
found, and will gladly
> help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing
weary of subsidizing
> generation after generation of professional couch
potatoes who achieve
> nothing more than the creation of another
generation of professional
> couch potatoes.
> ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free
health care. That would be nice,
but from the looks of public housing,
we're just not interested in public health care.
> ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to
physically harm other people.
> If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill
someone, don't be surprised if the rest of us want
to see you fry in the electric chair.
> ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the
possessions of others. If
you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or
services of other citizens,
don't be surprised if the rest of us get together
and lock you away in a place where you still
won't have the right to a
big screen color TV or a life of leisure.
> ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job.
All of us sure want
> you to have a job, and will gladly help you along
in hard times, but we
> expect you to take advantage of the opportunities
of education and
> vocational training laid before you to make
yourself useful.
> ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to
happiness. Being an American
> means that you have the right to PURSUE
happiness, which by the way,
> is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an
over abundance of > idiotic
> laws created by those of you who were confused by
the Bill of Rights.
> ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country.
We don't care where
> you are from, English is our language. Learn it
or go back to wherever you came from!
> (lastly....)
> ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change
our country's history
> or heritage. This country was founded on the
belief in one true God.
> And yet, you are given the freedom to believe in
any religion, any
> faith, or no faith at all; with no fear of
persecution. The phrase IN
> GOD WE TRUST is part of our heritage and history,
and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH!!!!

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Thursday, February 24, 2005

Bush Team Readying Backdoor Route to Drill Arctic Refuge

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

Having been thwarted repeatedly in its effort to open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to drilling for oil, the Bush Administration and its Congressional leadership have come up with a plan for a sneak attack on the issue.

Rather than holding a straightforward vote on the Senate floor, where strong public opposition halted drilling in the past few years, House and Senate members are quietly planning instead to attach the drilling measure to upcoming budget legislation, where it would be all but impossible to stop (budget bills are exempt from filibuster or extended debate).

This past Tuesday,, a national coalition for the environment, said the planned maneuver demonstrates that "proponents of drilling know they cannot pass this through the normal legislative process, so they are resorting to a procedural tactic to prohibit open and honest debate." [1]

"Not only does this type of backdoor maneuver endanger the Arctic Refuge, its wilderness and wildlife, it also poses a genuine threat to the integrity of our democratic process," said Bill Meadows, president of the Wilderness Society. The society reported that a recent bipartisan national survey found Americans oppose drilling in the refuge by a margin of 53 to 35.

The refuge's 1.5 million-acre coastal plain--where drilling would take place--is described as the "biological heart" of the refuge by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It is home to some 250 animal species, including caribou, polar bears, grizzlies, musk oxen, wolves, and millions of migratory birds.

Despite the fact that it would take up to 10 years for any ANWR oil to reach the market, the Bush Administration and its allies depict such drilling as a way to ease America's current energy crisis.

At the same time they refuse to consider such immediate answers as an increase of only one mile-per-gallon in automobile fuel efficiency standards, an easily attainable goal that would save a half-million barrels of oil per day.

Also shunned are such effective--and painless--steps as energy efficiency, energy conservation, and greatly increased support for alternatives such as wind power and solar energy.

Environmental and conservation organizations are urging the public to oppose the use of budget measures to achieve drilling in ANWR.


Contact members of Congress through the Wilderness Society.


[1] Alert, Feb. 22, 2005.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Just in case you thought no one know where you live

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

A request from Moveon PAC, but NOT just for $$$. For action.

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

Several great bills have just been introduced in Congress to repair the embarrassing flaws in our election system -- from electronic voting machines to long lines to partisan election officials. Everyone's waiting to see if this new legislation will pick up speed or fall victim to partisan bickering. If we act right now, we can give these bills the early momentum they need.

Later we'll tell you more about how your contributions are exposing election errors in Ohio, but first we need your help to get this legislation moving. There's no time to lose: In the coming months, states are poised to buy a billion dollars worth of unreliable electronic voting machines without paper trails.

Can you speed election repairs by signing this new petition?

We'll deliver your comments to your Senators and Representative. A massive grassroots push could move legislation through Congress in time for the 2006 election.

Last November, a paperless e-voting machine lost more than 4,000 votes in North Carolina, leaving a tight statewide race up in the air for months.1 Another mistakenly added nearly 4,000 votes to Bush's total in Ohio.2 The solution for these electronic glitches is straightforward: e-voting machines should be equipped to print an ATM-like receipt for every voter. Voters can see their choices are recorded accurately on paper, and if there's any question about the outcome, a recount can rely on these voter-verified paper ballots. Only then can we know an election was run fairly.

Last week, Senators Clinton (D-NY), Boxer (D-CA), Kerry (D-MA), and Lautenberg (D-NJ) introduced a far-reaching bill to require paper receipts, provide remedies for long lines, stop partisan election officials, and institute a national holiday for voting. Senators John Ensign (R-NV) and Harry Reid (D-NV) have introduced bipartisan legislation focused on voter-verified paper ballots. In the House, Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) has introduced a bill to require paper ballots and audit electronic machines to make sure they're counting properly. All these bills would ensure handicap accessible voting and all would vastly improve our election system.

At our Future of MoveOn house parties after the election, MoveOn members chose election reform as one of our top priorities. Your donations are making it possible to get to the bottom of what happened in Ohio and problems with electronic voting machines there and elsewhere.

Two months ago, we heard a disturbing story from an Ohio voter. A senior citizen, on Election Day she voted for Kerry on the electronic voting machine at her precinct, but the machine indicated a vote for Bush. She changed her selection several times and the machine kept showing Bush. Finally, it showed a vote for Kerry and it appeared her vote was counted, but she was far from sure.

Badly shaken, she went to a lawyer for help but couldn't afford a legal fight. The lawyer approached MoveOn PAC for help, and we offered funds donated by members supporting electoral reform. The attorney used the Ohio Public Records Act to demand information on the voting machines. Local officials resisted and the lawyer prepared to sue.

In response, the local officials backed down and provided the computer records of what happened that day for all the electronic voting machines in the county, along with paper documents that can be compared to the computer records.

Using the funds from MoveOn members, one of the nation's top experts on electronic voting machines will now go through the data. The expert's conclusions will be turned over to authorities who are investigating voting irregularities.

The voter who raised this complaint (who has asked us not to reveal her name because the matter is ongoing) deeply appreciates MoveOn's support. She told us, "I can't change the outcome of the election, but we can find out what happened. If something went wrong, then someone should be held accountable. I just want to know -- did my vote count?" We will continue to support her fight to uncover flaws in Ohio's election system.

In the meantime, Congress can repair what we already know is broken -- from requiring paper receipts to providing remedies for long lines to prohibiting election officials from campaigning for a candidate.

Sign our petition right now:

Thank you for all you do for democracy.


--Noah T. Winer, Adam Ruben, Eli Pariser, and the whole MoveOn PAC team
Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005

P.S. Yesterday, the New York Times editorial urged Congress to pass these very bills. You can read it at:

1. "Democrat concedes Agriculture post," The Sun News, February 5, 2005

2. "Report Says Technical Foul Up Inflated Franklin County Bush Votes," Associated Press, February 12, 2005

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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m m m m m m .... Thinking

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain


Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that our government can track a cow born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she sleeps in the state of Washington. And they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 200 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give them all a cow.


They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it's worked for over 200 years and we're not using it anymore.


The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments in a Courthouse... is you cannot post "Thou Shalt Not Steal," "Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery" and "Thou Shall Not Lie" in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians! It creates a hostile work environment!

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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The big three on our plane

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

The President, First Lady and Dick Cheney were flying on Air Force One.

George looked at Laura, chuckled and said, you know, I could throw a $1,000.00 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy.

Laura shrugged her shoulders and replied I could throw ten $100.00 bills out of the window and make ten people very happy.

Cheney added, that being the case, I could throw one hundred $10.00 bills out of the window and make a hundred people very happy.

Hearing their exchange, the pilot rolled his eyes and said to his co-pilot, Such big-shots back there. Hell, I could throw all of them out of the window and make 56 million people very happy.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Got that right!

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

The reason congressmen try so hard to get re-elected is that they would hate to have to make a living or a retirement under the laws they've passed.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

send comments via Email to me,

Monday, February 21, 2005

How do you spell G.W. Bush, Karl Rove

"He who is willing to sacrifice freedom for safety deserves neither freedom nor safety." - Ben Franklin
"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams
Politicians and diapers should both be changed regularly and for the same reasons.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time and your government when it deserves it."--Mark Twain

Do a search on the name Karl Rove and Bush's Brain
Bush only has 3 more yrs. but Rove well go on & on. Lets not let Rove do this kind of thing to us again using a different person. Know your "other side". This is a man that buged his own campain office and found the bug blaming the other side for the just before a debate that he and clements could not win but with the new looking to the BUG, the debate got no press. So the loss and the content of the debate was a zero.

IF you use Comcast cable go to your "On Deman" feature, go to "Free Movies" and then go to "Sundance". From the list you find there you should see "Bush's Brain" on the first page of the listing. It's79 mins. And the write up is;
When karl Rove gives a public interview, he projects an affable personality and downplays any speculation about his powerful influence in the Bush White House. But the Texan political operative is far from a supporting player.

Some print from the movie;

"The whole art of war consistes in a well-reasoned and extremely circumspect defense, followed by rapid and audacious attack."
- Napoleon

Memo to Governor Clements from Karl Rove 0/4/85

In college, Rove worked for Lee Atwater, were he put a point on his "dirty tracks" talant. Make the other side loss, while you try to make your side win.

See the movie in any way you can. And if you can go back to "Sundance" and scrol down till you find, very near the end of the list, "Uncovered: Iraq War" and watch it as well. It's 57 mins.

Filmaker Robert Greenwald, creator of the 2000election expose Unreedented, cosiders the Bush Administration's case for the Iraq War and finds among the alarmist rhetoric little supporting evidence to back it up.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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