Saturday, February 14, 2004

Do You Think John Kerry Should Be Our President?

I didn't write it but I thought it was interesting. Anyone care to rebut?

Please, if you have been thinking about voting for John Kerry for President in November, I beg you to read the following letter first. It was sent to me by one of my son's former girlfriends, and it is well worth your time to read it. If it touches your heart, and if it makes you reconsider your choice for President, please copy and paste it and send it on to your friends, or, just direct them here to my website. Thank you in advance for doing the right thing. Now, for the letter:


My wife had rotator cuff surgery earlier this year, and the recovery is terribly painful. Then, she developed a staph-epi infection, and they had to cut the same scar open and operate on her again. Just thinking about the pain and anxiety of facing that painful surgery a second time in the same wound, makes me cringe. That experience, however pales in comparison to what I am going through right now, in my heart.

     The old hurts are surfacing and the feelings of betrayal by fellow citizens, and their leader stirring them up, are breaking my heart again. I am being cut in the same scar. How did we who served in Vietnam suddenly become cold-blooded killers, torturers, and rapists, of the ilk of the Nazi SS or the Taliban? Most of us were American soldiers who grew up idolizing John Wayne, Roy Rogers, and all the other heroes. That was why I volunteered. But for political expediency, John Kerry has rewritten history, again. After spending only four months in the country of Vietnam, John Kerry testified before Congress in 1971 with these exact words about incidents he supposedly witnessed or heard about from other vets: “They personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam."

     I was a green beret officer who volunteered for duty in Vietnam and fought in the thick of it in 1968 and 1969 on a Special Forces A-team on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, just for starters. We were the elite. We saw the most action. Everybody in the world knows that. But we did not just kill people, we built a church, a school, treated illnesses, passed out soap, food, and clothing, and had fun and loving interaction with the indigenous people of Vietnam, just like our boys did in Normandy, Baghdad, Saigon, and everywhere American soldiers ever served. We all gave away our candy bars and rations to kids. Our hearts to oppressed people all over the globe.

     My children and grandchildren could read your words, and think those horrendous things about me, Mr. Kerry. You are a bold-faced, unprincipled liar, and a disgrace, and you have dishonored me and all my fellow Vietnam veterans. Sure, there were a couple bad-apples, but I saw none, and I saw it all, and if I did, as an army officer, it was my obligation to stop it, or at the very least report it. Why is there not a single record anywhere of you ever reporting any incidents like this or having the perpetrators arrested? The answer is simple. You are a liar. Your medals and mine are not a free pass for lifetime, Senator Kerry, to bypass character, integrity, and morality. I earn my green beret over and over daily in all aspects of my life.

     Eight National Guard green berets, and other National Guard soldiers, have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and you totally dishonored their widows and families by lumping National Guard service in with being a draft-dodger, conscientious objector, and deserter, just so you can try to sabotage the patriotism of our President who proudly served as an Air National Guard jet pilot. I have a son earning his green beret at Fort Bragg right now, and his wife serves honorably in the Air National Guard, just like President Bush did, and I am as proud of her as I am my son. I volunteered for Vietnam and have no problem whatsoever with President Bush being our Commander-In-Chief. In fact, I am proud of him as our leader.

     John Kerry, you personally derailed the Vietnam Human Rights Bill, HR2883, in 2001, after it had passed the House by a 411 to 1 vote, and thousands of pro-American Montagnard tribespeople in Vietnam died since then who could have been saved, by you. Earlier, as Chair of the Senate Select Committee on MIA/POW Affairs, you personally quashed the efforts of any and all veterans to report sightings of living POW’s, when you held those reins in Congress. You have fought tooth and nail to push for the US to normalize relations with Vietnam for years. Why, Mr. Kerry? Simple, your first cousin C. Stewart Forbes, CEO, of Colliers International, recently signed a contract with Hanoi, worth BILLIONS of dollars for Collier’s International to become the exclusive real estate representative for the country of Vietnam.

     “Hanoi John,” now that it works for you, you beat your chest about your Vietnam service, but to me, you are a phony, opportunistic, hypocrite. You are one of those politicians that is like a fertilizer machine: all that comes out of you is horse manure, and you are spreading it everywhere.

Medals do not make a man. Morals do.

Don Bendell
Canon City, Colorado

Don Bendell served as an officer in four Special Forces Groups, is a best-selling author with over 1,500,000 books in print, a 1995 inductee into the International Karate Hall of Fame, and owns karate schools in southern Colorado.

Don or Shirley Bendell
Please visit our website:, or visit our other website at

send comments via Email to Todd

Friday, February 13, 2004

What is an oxymoron?

Oxymoron by Definition: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined.

"Oxymoron" - Removing the Ten Commandments from the
courthouse while making people in court swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God ... while your hand is on the Bible!

send comments via Email to me, D

Now it's "The war of the websites"

Hay, maybe this well bring back the IT industry

send comments via Email to me, D

A source for political news, Ya think

Kerry Leads in Lobby Money (Washington Post) By Jim VandeHei Page A01, Jan 31, 2004
Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.), who has made a fight against corporate special interests a centerpiece of his front-running campaign for the Democratic ...

send comments via Email to me, D

More news from "" as of Friday 2-13 on censure

In the last week, more than half a million people
have signed our petition from us to Congress to censure
President Bush. It's an incredible outpouring of
public concern, among the strongest we've ever seen.

send comments via Email to me, D

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Email me with thoughts, or comments, or to become a member, so you can publish here as well

Till I get a better comment link, there's an email address to use. A great way to let me know you'd like to be a member as well. I'd need your email address to add you anyway.

send comments via Email to me, D

Here's the link to The Whitehouses Pressreleases

link to The Whitehouses' Press release page tells of the first days for the reply to Censure

The response to our "Censure" campaign has been incredible. In just days, more than 250,000 people have joined our call on Congress to censure President Bush for misleading us in his rush to war -- a response among the strongest we've ever seen.
With your help, we can make our statement even more powerful -- we're aiming for 300,000 signatures

Monday, February 09, 2004

Anyone else want their e-mail address posted?

I want my address posted here so I can get all the hatemail I have been missing on my own blog. (heh heh heh) Anyone have any problems with this? Or do you want your on there too?

BTW, I realigned the frames a bit, added a time bar to the status bar at the bottom, coded in a prohibit on "right clicking", and cleaned up the code a little. (If anyone cares)


Damn, when I checked it, it was working fine...

Sorry about that. I guess I'll have wait longer before checking to see if it worked. Thanks Todd

We clearly need to address the template problem.

This needs to be worked today.


Take my home, please

This one I understand. The lawyers were able to get in and have the law changed for the benefit of their client(s). And it ain't us regular folk either.

One of the shows I have started to watch is Dennis Miller on CNBC. I am not sure where this show really stands except it seems to be "normal". What ever that means to you is for you to decide. I see it as common sense thinking, with an angry rant to follow up so you know the real deal at the end. I hope he stays on. I have watched each show (or most of every one) since I record it on my ReplayTV and watch it when I have a moment of downtime.

And IRT NPR on the radio, I have not been so happy since I no longer have to listen to it. Sure, there are some really good ideas brought forward on NPR. The only problem is the left slant that seems to never be offset by anything to starboard or an even keel. I do not have to listen to any public radio since buying my XM. That way, I can listen to classical or any other kind of music I like 24-7. Thus, I do not have to listen to any bias.

More on the funding of public radio later.


Another reply from the email of the 6th.

you seem to have a conspiracy theory thought going on to forward this. What is up? From:Todd

Good question, "Is there a conspiracy?"

Some think that right after Daddy Bush lost to Clinton, he and others started put it together for Sonny to go to the White House. You know the "If I can't I'll use my son to do what I want to do.

Is Bush really his own man? Hell, can anyone in that business "be his own man today"?

I watched "Bill Moyer's Now" on PBS this Sat. as I usually do and now I understand that the Bankruptcy laws are going to changed so that the banks and credit card companies can do thing like take your home. Just another thing that I missed the PEOPLE asking to be done. I'm sorry but arin't own reps. working for us. Not the corp world.

Conspiracy or business plan?

More catch up, Reply to the email of the 6th

Hi D,

As it was pointed out on last nights news, "Dumb-ya's" (sinking) popularity ratings were right where daddy's were at this time in his term before losing to Bill Clinton. We can only hope history repeats itself. I read somewhere the analogy that before 9-11, only Al-Quida hated our guts. Now the whole world does. Thank you, Mr. President!

Friday AM on the morning news on FOX-2, there was a ticker on the bottom of the screen, "First Lady says daughters may campaign for their father". Now he wants the DRUNK DRUGGIE vote? {Yea, I got high with them bitches, their old man must be cool. Let's keep him in office.]

Keep'm comin'. I can take it! LOL


Just some catch up for the blog, Emailed out Feb. 6th;

In an attempt to escape responsibility for the misleading statements that led the nation to war, President Bush has announced plans to form an independent inquiry to look into what went wrong. An inquiry would serve the Bush administration well: it would envelop the issue in a fog of uncertainty, deflect blame onto the intelligence services, and push any political damage into 2005, after the upcoming election.

But the facts need no clarification. Despite repeated warnings from the CIA and Defense Intelligence Agency, President Bush and his administration hyped and distorted the threat that Iraq posed. And now that reality is setting in, the President seeks to pin the blame on someone else. We can't let him.

Congress has the power to censure the President -- to formally reprimand him for his betrayal of the nation's trust. If ever there was a time to use this function, it is now. Join the call for Congress to censure President Bush now at.

Click on the link below to see if you want to really sent a letter to your Federal Reps. You put in your zip and the letter that you'll see will be sent to the right persons. Or as I did, add your own personal message to go alone with the pre-written one:

Note: This is being put together by You've seen me send things of theirs out to you before. You can clink on the link to find out more and joint if you like.


Alright here we go, let it rip

Here's you place to put your words "out there". Anyone who wants a place to AIR their views on our goverment and those we've may or may not have put there can Put their thoughts to paper right here. This is a place for any and all side to say, "Your wrong as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore".

One useless man is called a disgrace, two or more is called a law firm, three or more is called a Congress- Ben Franklin, 1775.