FBI Uses First Internet Wiretap to Nab Child
Pornography Suspect
For the first time, law enforcement agents
used an Internet wiretap to catch a suspected pedophile,
and it happened in Sacramento.
For three weeks, a team of FBI agents working
in a technical center in Sacramento monitored what was
happening on a computer 100 miles away in Chico.
Investigators were able to record every keystroke made by a
26-year-old man suspected of swapping child pornography files.
During the monitoring period agents kept
track of virtually all activity on the suspect's computer.
"Everything from accessing web pages, reading e-mail,
instant message, chatting, all of that is what we
were capturing," said Special Agent John Cauthen.
According to the FBI, during those three
weeks, suspect Jason Heath Morgan made contact with 1,700
e-mail and chat room users with similar interests. That
included a 28-year-old Stockton man now awaiting trial on
child pornography charges. The other people intercepted
have been notified the FBI has them under investigation.
The investigation was made possible by
federal legislation dubbed the Prosecutorial Remedies and
Other Tools to End the Exploitation of Children Today, or
PROTECT, Act. It allows investigators to tap into a
suspect's computer to gather information on people suspected
of abusing children.
Federal Judge William Shubb authorized the
nation's first-ever Internet wiretap when agents convinced
him it was the only way to make the case against Morgan. They
said a traditional search warrant might have resulted in
the arrest of the Chico suspect, but probably wouldn't have
led to all the people he allegedly contacted.
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