Friday, July 02, 2004

Another other note from Nader, "A Nader Note", LOL

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

The script of the dictacrats is now clear. As we focus on our Declaration of Independence from concentrated corporate power, people should be outraged this Fourth of July weekend that the Democrats are working diligently to stifle public debate and to limit your options this election year.
The Nader/Camejo Campaign’s efforts to achieve fair ballot access will be obstructed across the United States from now until November by dictatorial Democratic cadres.

Let us share with you a national recap:

In Texas we encountered unreasonable and unconstitutional signature requirements and a law that favors political parties by granting them extra petitioning time and a lower signature requirement than Independents. The Democrats, who have abandoned Texas, have threatened to intervene to block our access in a totally safe state for Republicans.
In Oregon, Democrats deliberately and deceptively stacked our nominating convention auditorium attempting to leave no room for our supporters.

In Arizona, the Democrats hired three law firms to mount legal assaults on technicalities to keep us off the ballot.
In Illinois, it's more of the same--another lawsuit to block our access.

At every turn, the Democratic Party and its front groups have gone out of their way, willing to spend millions of dollars to deliberately limit the free exercise of democracy. From the steady barrage of anti-Nader campaigns to actual, harassing challenges to our petition drives, it is made ever-more clear, the Democrats would prefer to block the Nader/Camejo voters and the rights of these millions of voters to vote for a candidate of their choice.

Is their response to debate the issues? No! It is to anti-democratically attack our ballot access and, more importantly, the right of millions to vote for more choices and voices come November.

On Sunday, the Fourth of July, our country will celebrate its Independence. Let us reflect on all of the challenges Americans have fought and won--especially for the right to vote--and count ourselves among those committed to continuing to confront the forces aligned against free and fair elections.

Tune in to NBC's Meet the Press this Sunday at 8 a.m. Eastern Standard Time to see and hear Ralph. Check your local listings because of NBC's coverage of Wimbledon.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Thursday, July 01, 2004


"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Two weeks ago, Homeland Security secretary Tom
Ridge said that U.S. ports
and ships were in "full compliance" with
international security requirements
that go into effect today.[1] However, a new
report[2] by the non-partisan
General Accounting Office (GAO) reveals that Ridge
was incorrect.

According to the GAO, around seven percent of all
U.S. ports and half of all
ships have not even been reviewed by the federal
government. The
Administration allowed industry groups to
"self-certify to the Coast Guard
that they were using appropriate standards." But
every security plan the
Coast Guard did review "had deficiencies." A GAO
spokesman said he believed
the plans that weren't reviewed by the Coast Guard
were also flawed.[3]

The failure to secure U.S. ports puts America at
risk. But despite the Coast
Guard's estimate that it will take $7.5 billion
over 10 years to secure
ports from terrorist attacks, the Bush
Administration has requested just $46
million in funding for that purpose in 2005.[4]


1. "Ridge: Seaports, ships meet security rules,", 6/21/04,
2. "Substantial Work Remains to Translate New
Planning Requirements into
Effective Port Security," General Accounting
Office, 7/01/2004,
3. "Report: Ports, ships not in 'full compliance',", 6/29/04,
4. "Lack of funding slows port security measures,"
Boston Globe, 6/30/04,

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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A Email letter from Nader

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

HI everybody,

The Fourth of July is just around the corner and we have not raised our crucial $1 million. With federal matching funds we will get close but we need your help right now! The coming months promise to be VERY challenging.

You've heard and seen a lot about Ralph and Peter in the last several days. It has only just begun. As the upcoming donnybrook with Howard Dean next week will show, the Nader/Camejo campaign plans on keeping the race exciting and informative.

Our strategy for the coming months, aside from getting on the ballot in as many states as possible, is to continue to take advantage of the national spotlight to help expose the issues not presented by the other two parties. The horrible record of the Bush Administration is rivaled by the Democratic Party's play-dead approach to letting the Republicans get away with it all: Tax cuts to the super rich, the liberty-restricting Patriot Act and an unjust, unconstitutional war with an ongoing occupation. Where were the stopper Democrats in Congress? Especially the Senate? Who right now has the opportunity to reach millions of Americans and talk about what Washington least wants you to hear? Without Ralph and Peter in the race who will be talking about the corporate-occupied territory in D.C. and the government's complicity? Who speaks for Americans without a voice?

We absolutely must continue to raise funds to break the two-party exclusionary system. Please do everything you can to help today! Thank you!


Theresa Amato
Campaign Manager

As always, we need your help to make this campaign happen! You can make a difference:
Please donate for a just political movement as if people matter.
Get Involved! -- contact your regional or state coordinator to help with ballot access, or take a Road Trip For Ralph!
Sign the Petition to Impeach George W. Bush.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Important Reading for the Bush Administration

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Thirty years ago, a book called "The Limits to Growth" created an international sensation by stating what now -- to most people -- seems obvious: that industrial and population growth would reach real limits in the future, and that global society could suffer severe damage, depending on how we respond to a world of finite resources.

Now a 30-year update of the book, based on massive amounts of new date, provides the most comprehensive analysis of our global future ever assembled. The new 30-year update suggests that the central problem for the next 70 years will not be averting environmental decline -- which the authors view as inevitable -- but containing and limiting damage to the planet and humanity. It's too late for sustainable development, the authors conclude. The world must now choose between uncontrolled collapse or a carefully planned reduction of energy and materials consumption, back down to supportable levels.

The original Limits was compiled by an international team of experts assembled at the MIT Sloan School of Management. Using system dynamics theory to construct a global computer model called "World3," the book presented 12 scenarios that revealed different possible patterns -- and environmental outcomes -- of world development from 1900 to 2100. Eventually, The Limits to Growth became a bestseller with some 9 million copies sold in more than 30 languages.

The 1972 text was the object of intense criticism by economists of the time, who dismissed it as Malthusian hyperbole. But events over the past three decades have turned out to be remarkably consistent with the 1972 book's scenarios.

The new Limits to Growth, published this spring by Chelsea Green Publishers, presents 10 new scenarios, positing what may happen if certain steps are -- or are not -- taken. In most scenarios, the gap between rich and poor will widen, vital nonrenewable resources like oil will become much more difficult and expensive to obtain, and industrial production in developed countries will decline.

In 1972 the authors found the world's population and economy were still comfortably within the planet's carrying capacity. There was still room to grow safely while we examined longer-term options. Today this is no longer true. In this new examination, the authors cite numerous studies confirming that humanity has dangerously "overshot" our limits, expanding our demands on the planet's resources beyond what can be sustained even for the remainder of this century.

Although the past 30 years have shown some progress -- including new technologies, new institutions, and a new awareness of individual environmental problems -- the authors are far more pessimistic than they were in 1972. Humanity has squandered the opportunity to correct its current course over the last 30 years, they conclude, and much must change if the world is to mitigate the most harmful consequences of overshoot in this century.

The message that current growth trends cannot be sustained is now confirmed every year by thousands of headlines, hundreds of conferences, and dozens of new scientific studies. But these focus on specific problems like global warming, soil loss, extinction of species, and declining tropical forests.

Unfortunately, according to Limits authors Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and Dennis Meadows, all these well-intentioned efforts are destined to fail -- until they are grounded in understanding the entire complex system which governs the world's physical economy, population, materials and energy flows. Limits to Growth is so far the only book to provide that understanding.


MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

On Monday, President Bush lavished praise on L.
Paul Bremer, the outgoing
head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA).
Bush said that Bremer
"has been tireless and dedicated, and he returns
home, with the thanks of
his country."[1] But two new reports - by the
non-partisan Government
Accounting Office (GAO) and the CPA's own inspector
general - reveal that,
under Bremer's leadership, the CPA was largely
ineffective and badly

According to the GAO report,[2] "electrical service
in the country as a
whole has not shown a marked improvement over the
immediate postwar levels
of May 2003 and has worsened in some [areas]." The
Iraqi security forces
that the coalition was supposed to train "collapsed
in several locations"
when violence escalated in April 2004. And Bremer
never hired enough
personnel to staff the CPA, which "generally
operated with about one-third
fewer staff than it required."

The CPA inspector general found that Bremer's
agency "failed to exercise
adequate control over $9 billion in international
aid."[3] For example, the
CPA "failed to rein in the cost of housing
government employees at a hotel
in Kuwait under a contract with Halliburton."
According to the inspector
general's report, Halliburton booked rooms for CPA
officials in the
five-star beachfront Hilton in Kuwait at a cost of
$2.8 million.


1. Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister
2. "Rebuilding Iraq," General Accounting Office,
June 2004,
3. "Coalition Faulted for Lax Controls," Los
Angeles Times, 6/30/04,

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Presidential Election Fuels Mileage Debate

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Debate over federal mileage standards is heating up as the presidential race gains momentum. With consumers concerned about how much it costs to fill up at the pump, the problem promises to remain a divisive one.

At issue is a proposal by Senator John Kerry to raise the minimum average gas mileage standard for new cars and trucks, and the Bush campaign's interpretation of how Kerry's proposal might affect the economy.

Kerry -- who first introduced his proposal with Republican Senator John McCain two years ago -- says the higher mileage standard would increase fuel efficiency, reduce air pollution and ease American dependence on foreign oil supplies. It would also lower the amount Americans must spend to fill their tanks, since vehicles would be getting more miles to the gallon.

But the Bush campaign alleges that the proposal would force auto manufacturers to make fewer light trucks and thereby eliminate more than 100,000 jobs. Those jobs would come from the state of Michigan, announced Marc Racicot, President Bush's national campaign chairman, during an April campaign event in Michigan. Michigan is considered a swing state critical to both campaigns.

In making its assertion, the Bush campaign first cited a Pennsylvania economist's informal analysis of fuel mileage standards that predicted a loss of 105,000 jobs under the Kerry-McCain plan. But when asked to confirm those figures, the economist, Andrew Kleit, would not comment, and did not include the numbers in a final, published version of the paper. Later, Racicot upped the figure to 143,000 jobs, but could not cite any studies to back this number up. [1]

Contrary to the assertion that improving vehicle mileage would cost jobs, a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that had the U.S. adopted a 40-miles-per-gallon fleet standard in 2002 (the current standard is 27.5-mpg), it would have created more than 40,000 new jobs in the auto industry by 2010. Added to the jobs benefit, UCS found that the 40-mpg standard would conserve 2 million barrels of oil daily, or 62% of projected Persian Gulf imports (President Bush recently stated that American reliance on imported oil is a serious national security issue). [2]

Meanwhile the United Auto Workers, the group that would be most affected if job losses were to occur, is backing Kerry with a formal endorsement. Paul Krell, the UAW public relations director, told a reporter, "We certainly wouldn't endorse someone who would put the auto industry out of business." He also noted that Kerry's proposal to increase mileage standards to 36 miles-per-gallon by 2015 was a goal, not a requirement. [3]


[1] "Bush Campaign Chair Fabricated Job Loss Number," Great Lakes Bulletin News Service, Jun. 17, 2004.
[2] "Drilling in Detroit," Union of Concerned Scientists, Jun. 2001.
[3] Great Lakes Bulletin News Service, op. cit.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Tuesday, June 29, 2004


"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Speaking at the NATO conference in Turkey
yesterday, President Bush said, "15 months after the
liberation of Iraq...the world witnessed the arrival of a
free and sovereign Iraqi government." [1] The
reality, however, is much different.

The same day that U.S. administrator Paul Bremer
officially ended the occupation, U.S. prosecutors
refused to abide by an Iraqi judge's order acquitting
Iraqi citizen Iyad Akmush Kanum of attempted murder
of coalition troops. [2] Instead, the prosecutors
returned Kanum to the infamous Abu Ghraib prison,
claiming that "they were not bound by Iraqi law."

In the days leading up to his departure, Bremer
"issued a raft of edicts" in an effort to "exert U.S.
control over the country after the transfer of
political authority."[3] Specifically, Bremer empowered
a seven-member appointed commission "to disqualify
political parties and any of the candidates they
support." Bremer also "appointed Iraqis handpicked by
his aides to influential positions in the interim
government" with multi-year terms to "promote his
concepts of governance" after the handover.

Iraq remains plagued by violence and "the primary
military responsibility for fighting the insurgency
remains as much in American hands as it did
yesterday."[4] As a result, the New York Times concludes
it is "ludicrous for administration officials to
suggest that America's occupation of Iraq has now
somehow ended."

1. "Remarks by President Bush and Prime Minister
Blair,", 6/28/04,
2. "Prisoner 27075 learns limits of sovereignty,
Financial Times, 6/29/04,
3. "U.S. Edicts Curb Power Of Iraq's Leadership,"
Washington Post, 6/27/04,"
4. "A Secretive Transfer in Iraq," New York
Times, 6/29/04,

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Bush Administration Squelches Bad News on Parks

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Candidate George W. Bush made two promises on the environment when he ran for President in 2000: he would regulate carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas, and he would close the $5 billion maintenance backlog for our national parks. It took President George W. Bush a mere 53 days to break his promise on reducing greenhouse gases. [1] And to the dismay of environmentalists and career park officials alike, America's national parks have been steadily deteriorating since the President took office.

To deter public awareness of his national parks reversal, it appears the President has imposed a gag rule on park managers to prevent them from disclosing just how underfunded the parks have become. Since 1998 the Park Service has been collaborating with the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA), a nonprofit advocacy group, to create business plans for the country's parks. With federal funding, NPCA and the Park Service recruited graduate students from the country's top business schools to identify funding problems and develop management solutions for the parks. The 64 reports produced so far portray a Park Service woefully short of money, with most parks showing annual budget shortfalls of around 30 percent.

This information has apparently not been sitting comfortably with the administration. The business plan for Olympic National Park in Washington, for example, was kept from the public after it found that funding shortages were crippling the park. The report found that Olympic, which had 3.2 million visitors last year, receives only about half the money it needs. The Washington Post last week quoted a Park Service official, who spoke anonymously out of fear of retaliation, as saying that the report was withheld because the Bush administration "...doesn't like bad news. They don't like to see or hear about it or fix it. And they punish the messenger."

Ron Tipton, senior vice president for programs at NPCA, told BushGreenwatch, "It's really regrettable that the Department of Interior appears to be uncomfortable with full public disclosure of the results of these business plans. The public and key decision-makers need this information to assure the parks are adequately funded and staffed so their visitors have a high quality experience."

The superintendent of Gettysburg National Military Park was forced to cancel a scheduled press conference to announce that park's business plan, which showed budget shortfalls. The plan was later made public on the park's web site. The press conference was canceled, according to a Park Service spokesman, not to hide the plan but because NPCA "might go out there and say a lot of things that our superintendents aren't comfortable saying."

Apparently, however, it appears to be the Park Service's political appointees who are uncomfortable. To solve the problem of reports informing the public of chronic underfunding, the Park Service has canceled its partnership with NPCA. As NPCA's Tipton explained to the Post: "We were not seen as a friendly voice."


[1] "Environmental Reversal," Online Newshour, PBS, Mar. 14, 2001.

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Monday, June 28, 2004

I would just like to THANK President Bush, & his arrogance.

If it wasn't for him and that arrogance we may not have found how to use the Internet and outfits like as fast as we have. Monday nites meetings, some 1400 of them, across the country could only have happen this fast because of his Presidency. D

 ADVISING  at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing.  Want to CHATView me in the Friends & Family part of room 3.  Blog

Record 600,000 Protest Bush Plan to Weaken Mercury Emission Controls

"He who is welling to gave up “Freedoms” for Safety desires nether freedom nor safety" - Ben Franklin & "One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" - John Adams

Tomorrow marks the last day for the public to comment on the highest-profile battle in years between the Bush administration and advocates of public health. The administration is under court order to finalize the first-ever federal regulations to reduce poisonous emissions of mercury from power plants--the largest uncontrolled source of mercury pollution in the U.S.

The battle is marked by an unprecedented public protest against a Bush administration Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposal that would allow power plants to emit six to seven times more mercury into America's air--and for at least a decade longer--than would be the case if the current Clean Air Act were simply implemented in good faith.

An EPA analysis earlier this year stated that 630,000 American newborns are at risk each year of having unsafe levels of mercury in their blood. Mercury can cause serious developmental and neurological problems in children. It is a highly toxic chemical whose effects on the central nervous system are comparable to those of lead. Many people are exposed to mercury by eating tainted fish. Currently, more than 40 states have issued advisories against eating mercury-contaminated fish from their rivers, lakes and streams.

Properly implemented, the Clean Air Act would bring about a 90 percent reduction of mercury emissions over three years. But the Bush administration has stubbornly defended its plan to reduce mercury emissions by only 70 percent--and over a period of 13 years. As a result, over 600,000 citizens have submitted comments opposing the Bush plan. This is more than twice the highest number of comments EPA has ever received on a rulemaking--greater even than the outcry when the administration tried (unsuccessfully) to fend off stronger controls over arsenic in drinking water.

Two months ago 45 Senators and 10 attorneys general called on EPA Administrator Michael Leavitt to abandon the EPA proposal and instead finalize a rule that complies with the Clean Air Act. And this week 184 members of the House did the same.

"It seems the only people applauding the administration's mercury rule are the people who wrote it: power companies and the Bush administration," Angela Ledford, director of Clear the Air, an environmental health advocacy group, told BushGreenwatch. "Today's Washington Post reports that mercury releases are up 10 percent. This underlines the need to require power plants to reduce emissions as much and as fast as technology allows."

Critics of the Bush plan note that a combination of 25 mercury-emitting utilities have donated nearly $6 million to President Bush's campaign, and that they would share a savings of $2.7 billion under the administration proposal.


Submit a comment to EPA through

MY ADVICE endeavors at The number is 1-800-275-5336 (800-ask-keen) + ext. 0329063 for tech stuff, 0329117 for running a small business, and 0329144 on investing. Want to CHAT, I use Yahoo's IM as the_web_ster. View me in the Friends & Family part of, just click on "view cams", then in the Java window click on WebcamNow Communities drop down arrow & select Friends & Family. Under the live webcams look for & click on me "the_webster".

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Sunday, June 27, 2004

It's Sunday Morning and this is what "MoveOn" member are see...

"One useless man is called a disgrace; two useless men are called a law firm; and three or more useless men are a congress" John Adams

MoveOn member,
When Fahrenheit 9/11 opened in New York on Wednesday, it broke box-office records, beating out even Men in Black with wall-to-wall sold-out shows. And tonight, despite the right-wing campaigns to stop it, it will open at over 800 theaters across the country -- totally unprecedented for a documentary. Well over one hundred thousand MoveOn members will be there over the course of the weekend, and we hope you can come, too.

But this huge opening for Fahrenheit 9/11 is just the beginning. On Monday night, tens of thousands of MoveOn members are gathering at house parties across the country in "Turn Up the Heat," a nation-wide virtual town meeting with Michael Moore. Together, we'll take the enormous momentum of Fahrenheit 9/11 and channel it into strategic action to win back the White House.

There are over 1,400 house parties planned so far, from Delray Beach, Florida to Salem, Oregon. To find a party near you, or host one of your own, just go to:

We launched this campaign around Fahrenheit 9/11 because to the media, the pundits, and the politicians in power, the movie's success will be seen as a cultural referendum on the Bush administration and the Iraq war. Together, we have an opportunity to knock this ball out of the park -- to powerfully prove that when someone has the courage to publicly speak the truth, the American people will be right behind them.

Plus, it's a great movie.

To find out where Fahrenheit 9/11 is playing and get tickets, just go to:

And if you do go, don't forget to wear blue -- our way of helping MoveOn members identify each other.

We've attached our take on the movie below. Of course, MoveOn isn't known for our movie reviews, but across the board, film critics have also given Fahrenheit 9/11 very high marks. Here's a sampling of what they have to say:

"As much as some might try to marginalize this film as a screed against President George Bush, "F9/11" -- as we saw last night -- is a tribute to patriotism, to the American sense of duty -- and at the same time a indictment of stupidity and avarice."
-- Roger Friedman, FOX NEWS

"Among the movies everyone should see this year--whatever your film taste or your political bent--Michael Moore's incendiary documentary 'Fahrenheit 9/11' heads the list. 'Fahrenheit' may provoke, delight or divide its audience. But no one will react indifferently to this shocking, sad and funny look at the Bush administration's handling of terrorism and the Iraqi war."
-- Michael Wilmington, CHICAGO TRIBUNE

"[A]n explosive and heart wrenching piece of cinema . . ."
-- Mark Salisbury, PREMIERE MAGAZINE

"It is worth seeing, debating and thinking about, regardless of your political allegiances."

Fahrenheit 9/11 may be the most important cultural event of this election cycle. Right-wing groups like Citizens United are complaining that the movie will help defeat Bush. Let's prove them right.
--Eli Pariser
MoveOn PAC
Friday, June 25th, 2004

P.S. Here's the review I wrote after seeing the film last Tuesday:

Fahrenheit 9/11 isn't just the most powerful and complete indictment of the Bush administration that I've ever seen -- it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. It's a knockout blow: a poignant, darkly funny film that deftly interweaves footage of the President, his allies, and the Americans his policies betrayed. As Fox News' reviewer put it, the movie "is a tribute to patriotism, to the American sense of duty -- and at the same time an indictment of stupidity and avarice." (See,2933,122680,00.html for the full review.)

Despite years of television coverage on Iraq and the war on terror, most of the movie consists of footage you'd never see on TV. There are heart-breaking interviews with troops in Iraq, chilling scenes of the civilian consequences of that war, and footage of Bush so candid and revealing that it's hard to imagine how Moore got his hands on it. In one unforgettable scene from the morning of September 11th, Bush blithely reads a children's book to a classroom of kids for seven long minutes after his chief of staff quietly informs him that the second plane has hit the World Trade Center and "we're under attack." The film is filled with this stuff, and it's hard to imagine seeing it and not being moved, shocked, and outraged.

Fahrenheit 9/11 opens with footage of Bush administration officials putting on their TV makeup. Paul Wolfowitz sticks his comb in his mouth, slathers it with spit, brushes it through his hair, and grins a toothy grin. Colin Powell eyes the camera nervously as a makeup artist dusts his face. And, moments before President Bush goes on TV to somberly announce the beginning of the Iraq war, we see him goofing around, making funny faces at the folks behind the camera.

These candid portraits encapsulate the genius of Moore's documentary. Compared to his other films, there's little pranking or moralizing. Moore basically stays out of the picture: he doesn't have to indict the Bush administration, because with powerful and indisputable video, Bush and the rest indict themselves.

As Moore unravels Bush's story, he joins it with the stories of the real Americans who have shouldered the burden of the post-9/11 war policy. In Flint, Michigan, we hear from a group of inner-city kids whose only option for education and a better life is to enlist in the Army -- and then, in a scene that's both humorous and deeply creepy, join two Marine recruiters as they case a local mall for possible enlistees. We watch a California peace group that was infiltrated by the local police department under the Patriot Act. And, in the final heartbreaking scenes, we witness the pain of a mother who lost her son in Iraq.

In the hands of other directors, the content could easily feel exploitative. But Moore is grounded by a patriotism that rings through every frame of the film. Compassion and love of country give the film its striking authenticity: it's clear that what stings most about the President's behavior, for the subjects of the film, is Bush's betrayal of our country's soul.

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a film with the power to change hearts and minds. It's brilliant, funny, moving, and authentic. And together, we can make it a huge success.

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